Careerera Education


Best Way To Learn Cloud Computing

Careerera Education

There are many ways to learn cloud computing. Cloud computing is a vast and complex field and has many domains, subdomains, areas, and spheres. So learning the ins and outs of cloud computing is not an easy task by any means. There are many ways to learn cloud computing, but not all of them are optimal or efficient.

In this article we will talk about the best way to learn cloud computing. We will present the reader with a kind of a learning path which they can follow to gain a certain level of proficiency with the core concepts and topics of cloud computing. Along the way, we will also mention a few points about cloud computing certification online.

How to learn cloud computing?

Step 1 – How much do you know?

The first step is to make an assessment of how much you know. You can carry out this step by making a list of all of your skills, abilities, and knowledge which are related to the cloud computing field. This list should be a very honest and frank list because unless you know where you are starting from, you will not be able to determine which things you need to learn in order to reach your destination.

In the beginning, it may be very difficult to determine which skills, abilities, and knowledge are directly or indirectly related to the field of cloud computing. So it is advised that one follow this list and try to match their skills, abilities, and knowledge to the items listed in this list. It should be noted that if one takes a cloud computing certification course they will automatically learn about all these topics.

1. Programming Skills

2. Familiarity with Databases

3. Basics of Security and Privacy

4. Knowledge of Agile Development

5. Familiarity with Operating Systems

6. Understanding of Virtualization

7. Basics of Networking

Step 2 – Learn all about cloud networks and virtualization -

You should try to match your skills, abilities, and knowledge to this list and see how many points you can check off. Before starting to learn cloud computing, you should possess at least some knowledge of each of these areas because these are the prerequisite areas for learn cloud computing.

Step 3 – Take a cloud computing certification online -

Any layman will know that cloud computing revolves around operating and managing networks. It is through networks only that data is transferred to and from the cloud computing platform. Not only data transfers, even data hosting, data backup, data storage, and content delivery is done through the medium of interconnected networks.

Without networks, there would be no cloud computing. This is because it is through networks only that data can be transferred from one place to another and content can be delivered to clients all over the world. Businesses and organizations have started to realize the importance of networking and the benefits it offers.

This is why businesses and organizations are approaching cloud computing service providers more and more in order to avail their services and make their data available to clients all over the world, wherever they may be based.

Virtualization is a similarly important concept which the learner should learn about and master completely before moving on to the next steps. Virtualization is a technique which is very common in the cloud computing field. With the help of virtualization, cloud computing service providers can share physical instances of resources such as a computer, CPU, storage device etc. With clients all around the world by creating virtual versions of that resource for the clients to access.

The next step for the learner is to take a cloud computing certification online so that he can learn all the core concepts and topics of the field of cloud computing under the expert guidance and experienced and seasoned eyes of the instructors of the cloud computing certification course.

Step 4 - Learn Linux and Networking -

The learners should next learn all the basic concepts and the fundamentals of both linux-based operating systems and networking topologies and networked clusters.

Step 5 – Choose a cloud computing platform to specialize in -

The last step is that the learner should choose a cloud computing platform to specialize in. The two most popular options in this regard are the Amazon Web Services platform and the Google Cloud Compute platform.